
Computer Games are Good for Your Teen

Parents take heed - playing computer games might not be such a waste for your children. According to leading computer game programming experts, including employers, the sector is emerging as a growth area and with real potential for future employment. Speaking at the 2011 Games Fleadh -- one of the most important annual gatherings for would-be computer game programmers at second and third-level education -- at the Thurles campus of Tipperary Institute, the CEO of Open Emotion Studios, Patrick Murphy said there was huge potential to develop a lucrative gaming sector in Ireland.

One may therefore be inclined to say that current games do not have much of the elements of the first games anymore, but completely reinvented themselves. This is a question tried to be answered by this paper. We have the creativity and highly skilled graduates to create an indigenous sector and we would love to see Irish graduates establishing their own gaming companies in the future. This is one of few industries that has not experienced a downturn in the economy and is a sure bet to deliver jobs long into the future. First, the methods which are to be applied for this comparison are being discussed. Then the games are presented that have been chosen for this analysis, together with an explanation why these specific games have been chosen for this process. Then the elements of this games are analyzed, divided into the four genres action, strategy, adventure/rpg and sports. Lastly the conclusion tries to answer the question.
In contrary to the other works presented so far, Malliet not only concentrates on ways to formally describe game design, but also to describe parts of the overall experience of games, like the audiovisual style. The Games Fleadh certainly gives these budding young computer game programmers an opportunity to put themselves in the shop window and we will be keeping an eye out for the best on show, as we are looking to scale up in the coming years. game design pattern, narration and user interaction are applied to describe the core game elements. One element that is not part of the core mechanics of a game, but instead responsible for how these concepts, rules and mechanics are presented to the player is the audiovisual style.

